Campbell Reunion Society gathered on The High School grounds in The morning. After a very elaborate dinner served from tables spread for 100 guests The meeting was called to order by vice Pres. E.C. Blackwell followed by The Campbell Reunion Song led by the Late Prof. C.H. [sic] Campbell of Addison. Prayer by Rev. J. McCana White of Elkland.
Minutes of laast meeting read by Vice Pres. in absence of Sec'y Clyde Campbell. Address of Welcome was by J. E. Hazlett. Mrs. Hazlett made the very true remark that no distance was too great to be traveled to bind these ties of relationship together.
Regrets were read from Wm. Selph, New York City
" James Ellison, Meringo, Ill
" Charles Congdon, Chicago
Enclosing a tribute - written by Senator Johnson1 to the late J.C. Congdon.2 Which was read by M.B. Seely.
also impromptu speeches by C.H. Lugg of Knoxville, T.C. Campbell "The Clan Joker" George Shipman, Alta Cady, Charley Campbell,3 Frank Wooster and James Blackwell.4 Rev. John White talked most interestingly to the future Campbells of tomorrow. Mrs. Phebe Hoyt was the only one of the third generation5 able to attend.
Officers elected for the next year
President E.C. Blackwell
Vice "
J.M. Parks
M. Eva Hooker
Treas M.B. Seely
Other business attended and meeting adjourned
1. Then Minnesota State Senator, later US Sen., Magnus Johnson. We no longer have Sen. Johnson's trbute.
2. John Chauncey Congdon, Sr., b, 1848 in Nelson, PA, died 1911 in Brainerd, MN. He was a son of Geo. Wickham Congdon, who was a brother of Benjamin Docray Congdon. Many of the reunion attendees would have known John Congdon from his years livng n Nelson.
3. Probably Charles Blackwell Campbell.
4. Not sure which James Blackwell this was. It could have been James Blackwell who was a Blackwell history buff and at that time lived in Morris Twp., Tioga Co., PA. But I suspect it was James Delos Blackwell who lived in West Burlington Twp., Braford Co., PA. James D. and his branch of the Blackwells attended our Campbell reunions frequently.
5. Phebe's parents were immigrants, but the anonymous acting secretary began the numbering with the eldest immigrants, Phebe's grandparents, Joseph Campbell and his wife, Mary Harper.
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