The 37th Annual reunion of the Beecher Island Campbell Clan was held at the above date in the Odd Fellows hall at Nelson, Pa. After a bountiful dinner served in the dining room the company met in the upper hall where the meeting was called to order by the President Harry C. Kemp. Mrs. J. M. Parks had charge of the singing with Mrs. Helen Wilson at the piano. - Prayer by C. H. Lugg.
The address of welcome was ably given by Mrs. Fannie Monroe and pleasantly responded to by Mrs. Kate Horton. The secretarys report was read and accepted.Letters were read from Wm. E. Selph Jesse Allen and Mabel Shaw.
Speeches were made by Edward Green,1 Mame Selph Emma Seiders2 J. M. Parks, M. B. Seely Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miner F. R. Hazlett C. H. Lugg Mrs. Beck, Mrs. Wilbur, Mrs. Clark Fred Green and others. Recitation by Betty Seiders. - After a talk by the President, Harry C. Kemp the reunion song written by Mrs. Mabel Shaw3 was sung.
The officers for the coming year were elected as follows were
Roscoe Kemp
Vice Pres.
Clyde Campbell
Secy & Treas.-
Crena Kemp.
After singing "God be with you" the meeting closed. About sixty members and friends enjoyed the occasion.
Treasurer's Report
Bal. on hand.
Mr. Swan
Balance in Treasury 97 cents
1. Probably Edwin Green.
2. She may have meant Betty Seiders' mother, Myra (Buck) Seiders. Or, perhaps Myra's mother Emma (Congdon) Buck.
3. Mabel wrote the words. The tune was the Civil War song, "Marching Through Georgia."