Campbells of Nelson, PA

The 39th Annual reunion of the Campbell Clan, was held on the School grounds at Nelson (Beechers Island) on Aug. 20th, 1931.

The clan began to arrive early and at one o'clock 65 sat downto a bountiful chicken dinner (the kind we used to have) and all the good things that goes with it.

After the usual visit, the meeting was called to order by the President Clyde Campbell who presided in his usual gracious manner.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Mrs. Mabel Shaw charge of the program, in her usual charming manner presented the following:
solo by Seldon Butler
A reading, "Its H___ to Grow Old." by Mrs. Kate Horton that was an unusual Selection
Solos by Mrs. Sarah Hazlett Baumgarten accompanied by Mrs. Edward Monroe
Remarks by Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell of Orange, N. Y. Mabel Shaw & Myra Campbell. Fannie Monroe.

Discussion arose in regard to the care of the cemetery. T. C. Campbell and others were much interested but as usual came to no dicision [sic].

After bills were paid there was a balance of $1.13 in the treasury. The officers electged were Clyde Campbell Pres. and Edward Monroe Secretary. After singing the "Campbell Reunion song, the clan departed to meet again the third Thursday in Aug 1932 at Nelson.

Edward L. Monroe
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