Campbells of Nelson, PA

Thurs. Aug. 15, 1935

The 43rd annual reunion of the Campbell Clan, was held on the lawn of Lena Seely Goodrich  Clyde Campbell was reelected President, Myra Campbell Sec'y  Remarks were made by Fannie Monroe.

The meeting was called to order by the Pres. Clyde Campbell.

Mrs. Mourie wishes to have it always known that she is for Peace and Prohibition.

Mr. Butler who has been a member of our reunion for 35 years as husband of Martha Campbell gave a very fine talk

Mr. Ireton who has just become a member of the family through his marriage to Helen Wilson gave a short talk  Motion was made and seconded that the Sec'y write Wm. Selph thanking him for the Genealogy chart.1

Mrs. Rose Jones made brief remarks as to her trip in the South also regretting the absence of Aunt Kate Horton

Seldon Butler one of the younger members says the oftener he he comes the more he enjoys it. Harry Kemp gave an interesting talk about his mother's side of the family  says in early years he was taught pride in his family2

Mabel Shipman had charge of the program.

Mayme Hazlett Dewey Sec'y

1. Presumably Will sent a copy or the chart in response to a motion at the 1934 Reunion which created a committee to "look up family tree" and Harry Kemp was appointed its chair. That seems strange because in 1924 Will Selph had given out more than 100 copies of a beautifully drawn chart (in a style rather like a spreadsheet). And in 1923 through 1926 more than 100 of Joseph and Ann Clinch Campbell's descendants had copies of the 4 volums of the Campbell Cousins Correspondence -- including Kate Horton & Mabel Shaw who were present. By 1935 there was another generation to add. But Will's chart and Jane Campbell Tubbs' reports in CCC Vol.4 seem to have been forgotten. In addition, many of those now active in the reunions (including Clyde Campbell and Harry Kemp) were descendants of Joseph's brother, James Campbell and his wife, Mary Blackwell who was Ann's half-sister.

2. Perhaps Harry only talked about the descendants of his mother, Harriet (Campbell) Parks Kemp. But I expect he talked about the descendants of her parents, James Campbell and his wife, Mary Blackwell. Fannie Monroe was appointed chair of a committee to comile a Hazlett family tree, but their efforts were not reported until the 1937 reunion.

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