The 44th Annual Reunion of the Campbell Clan, met on the lawn of Lena Seely Goodrich on Thursday, Aug. 20, 1936.
Minutes of the last meeting read. Clyde Campbell was re-elected President.
Myra L. Campbell re-elected secretary.
Remarks were made by Fannie Monroe.
The meeting was called to order by the Pres. Clyde Campbell.
Bill of $5.00 presented +.50 table expense Collection $5.79. Balance 29 cents.Letter from Cousin Kate Horton read, including greetings from her family with whom she lives in Oregon. Mrs. Harry Kemp said our program would be short giving time for visiting.
Sara Baumgarten sang Auld Lang Syne. She was accompanied by Helen Ireton. Then the Old Kentucky home was very beautifully sung by Sara.
Cousin Llewellyn Shaw made a few remarks. We appreciate his being present as he had to miss the Shaw reunion to be here.
Fannie Monroe (not wanting her name on record) gave a wonderful address. She reminded us of how our forefathers built about the home and the church. She urged us to do likewise, not neglecting the family alter [sic]. She believes we should carry our religion into politics.
Remarks by Mr. Butler who is just recovering from a seriously injured back. Closing with remarks that he feared we as American people forget that the home is a divine as well as an American institution.
Cousin Sam Hazlett1 said that 72 or 73 yrs. ago the first reunion was started. It was just a Hazlett Reunion. Later the Campbell and Hazeletts [sic] joined.2
Leah Evans McCandles who had not been here for 32 years expressed her appreciation of being present.
Mabel Shaw said she thought for the sake of our ancestors we should keep up these Reunions. She gave this poem in closing:
"Isn't it queer that princes and kings
And clowns that caper in sawdust rings,
And common folks like you & me are builders for eternity
To each is given a bag of tools, a shapless mass and a book of rules
And each must fashion ere life has flown
A stumbling block or a stepping stone."
A few remarks by Guy Dewey.
By request Mildred Butler told something of her work in the mountains of Kentucky.3
Rose Jones, Sarah Kemp Johnson, and Rebecca Carpenter express their belief we should keep these Reunions up. It would please our ancestors could they know.
A rising vote of thanks given to Lena Goodrich for use of her lawn.
1. This could have been either Samuel H. Hazlett or Samuel C. Hazlett. My guess would be the latter because both his daughters were active in the reunion and were present.
2. Whichever Sam said that was, at least in part, mistaken or confused.
He may be correct about the Hazlett Reunion starting in 1873 or '74.
But he was mistaken about the start of the Campbell Reunions. See
1893 Campbell Reunion minutes and
1894 Campbell Reunion minutes.
There was a short time when they were called "Campbell-Hazlett"
Reunions, see 1901 News Clip.,
but by 1903 it was again just "the
Campbell Reunion". I have no idea when Hazlett Reunions ended.
Also, keep in mind that except for a couple of unrelated Hazletts that
moved to the area later, all of the Hazletts in PA's Tioga Co. &
NY's Steuben & Chemung Cos. were descendants of either Sarah (Campbell) Hazlett or of her sister,
Jane (Campbell) Hazlett and thus of
their parents, Joseph &
Mary (Harper) Campbell. All these Hazletts are Campbells
as well.
3. She was in KY as a missionary. Her father was a minister and her sister Mary died while a missionary in Nicaragua.