Mini-Bios for CAMPBELLs, LUGGs, & BLACKWELLs of Nelson, PA

Lena SEELY Goodrich (1873 - 1954)

Lena Edna Seely was born Jul. 24, 1873, in Nelson, Tioga Co., PA; d. Mar. 6, 1954 in Pittsfield, MA. Married Jun. 6, 1907 in Nelson to David Zebulon Goodrich, b. Jun. 9, 1874, in Nelson; d. there 1908. Dave's parents were Rev. Henry David Goodrich, born 1844 in Delaware Co., NY, and Elizabeth Batterham (pronounced "BAT-trum"), born 1847 in IL.

Lena was the elder of 2 children of Mark Seely, b. 1847 in Osceola, Tioga Co., PA, d. 1932 in Nelson; and Susan E. Losey, born 1856 in Nelson, d. in 1894 in Osceola.

Lena was profoundly deaf as a result of having scarlet fever as a girl. She kept a pad and pencil close at hand, so that people who wanted to communicate with her could write out what they wanted to say to her. While married to Dave, and for several years after, she lived in a small house behind her father's dry goods store, which was on the main street of Nelson, opposite from the old post office. From 1923 on, she lived in Pittsfield, MA with her sister, Emily SEELY Blanchard.

Dave's sister, Frances Goodrich, married Mark Seely's 1st cousin, Joseph D. Hoyt. Additionally, Dave was a great-uncle, by marriage, to Campbell Cousin Ande RICE Tubbs. There's a sad side to their story --- Lena and Dave postponed their marriage for a year while Dave was supporting his widowed sister and paying for her to be trained as a seamstress to become self supporting. Dave and Lean were married for only a year before he died.

Dave and Lena Seely Goodrich had no children.

Campbell Cousins Correspondence Letter Written:
v2 p4-5 Mar. 23, 1924
v4 p13 Mar. 10, 1926

Mentioned in CCC Letters:
v1r1 p7 Stella LOOP Hooker Wilbur - Lena
v1r1 p44 Will Selph - Lena
v1r2 p15 Marcus B. Seely - photo of Lena & parents
v1r2 p74 Will Selph - Lena
v2 p6 Jennie CRANE Bosard - Lena Seely
v3 p19 Inez HOYT Boller - Lena
v3 p28 Mark Seely - Lena
v3 p87 John Harry Campbell - Lena Seely
v4 p51 Mary BOSARD Snavely - Lena Goodrich

Mentioned in other documents:
[wbt - 10/28/2000; last rev. 12/21/2017]
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